
Spring 2023 Practice Schedule


9:30–11:00 pm
Combined Practice
Open Mat
9:30 – 11:30 pm
Open Mat/Independent Practice
7:30 – 9:30 pm
Sparring Practice
7:30 – 9:00 pm
Beginner + Poomsae practice

9:00 – 9:30 pm
Open Mat

Beginners are encouraged to attend Thursday practices to learn basic Taekwondo technique. Monday practice is also particularly beginner-friendly. Speak to one of our coaches if you’re a beginner interested in attending Wednesday sparring!


Dillon Gym multi-purpose room (upstairs on the left).


We do recruiting at the beginning of each semester during our open houses. If you missed the open houses but still would like to join, please reach out at Depending on how far we are into the semester and your prior experience, we may ask you to join at the start of the next semester!


Combined Practice: All ranks are welcome. Please wear your uniform if you have one.

Sparring Practice: All ranks are welcome. If you did not come to our open house practices, please talk to a coach before attending a sparring class. Wear comfortable workout clothes.

Beginner Practice: Intended for white belts, or anyone who is starting taekwondo. Please wear your uniform if you have one.

Poomsae Practice: Intended for yellow–black belts. Please wear your uniform if you have one.

Anyone who is not sure what class to attend should feel free to email the coaches, captains, and/or president ( to ask.


Also see our shared Google Calendar below, which will be constantly updated with any changes to practice times, social events, and other events such as tournaments. You can add it to your own calendar using this link.